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UK & International Mortgages

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Life Insurance and Mortgage Protection

We source from the whole UK life insurance market which offers competitive monthly premiums.  We will guide and advise on what is the best type of policy to suit your needs and requirements.

As a property owner, there are some insurance policies you must have, and others you should seriously consider.

The following are not compulsory, but should be seriously considered:

Level Term Assurance

This provides your dependants/estate with a guaranteed cash lump sum which is only paid out if death occurs before the policy ends.  This can be used to pay off a mortgage, or generally to help the family through what is often a difficult time financially.  It guarantees an agreed amount of life cover (sum assured) over a fixed term.   Most policies include Terminal Illness as part of the standard package.

Mortgage Protection (Decreasing Term Assurance)

Mortgage protection is usually the cheapest form of insurance used for covering a mortgage.  This provides your dependants/estate with a cash lump sum should you die within the term of the policy.   It differs from Level Term Assurance in that: as the capital element of your mortgage decreases, so does the sum assured on this policy.  Most policies include Terminal Illness as part of the standard package.

Critical Illness

A critical illness policy covers people who may become ill with a condition which is permanent and is expected to last throughout the life of the person covered.  Or an illness which is irreversible, and cannot be reasonably improved upon.  A full list of critical illnesses covered is given by each insurance company and may differ.

Income Protection Benefit

Designed to pay you a regular monthly benefit if you can’t work due to incapacity caused by an illness or injury, resulting in a loss of earnings.